
Monday, 4 November 2019

The Quireboys - Fleece Bristol, 31/10/19

A three-band bill on a Halloween night is just the ticket for the crowd at The Fleece in Bristol tonight.
Ahead of headliners The Quireboys, Black Country rocker Steve Mercy starts the evening, bravely manning the stage solo to warm the quietly incresing crowd with some original acoustic rock.
Next up is Bristol rockers Typan. Debuting their unplugged abilities, they describe themselves as on a quest to revive the power and passion of rock ‘n’ roll. They’re doing a great job of restraining their usual decibels, with a mix of classic rock covers and equally rocking originals, conforming to the softer theme of the evening.
Welcoming the crowd with jokey signature style, frontman Spike introduces himself as his Halloween character, Spike from The Quireboys. They are delving straight into a proper, old-school rock ‘n’ roll show, as they always do. Fully pulling off nonchalant tightness, you almost forget about the lack of drummer and bass player as they deliver bar-room, booze-stained classics like MisledMona Lisa Smile and Have a Drink With Me.
Audience engagement is as high as ever as the gravel-toned vocalist shows he is still a force to be reckoned with, after years on the circuit. Maybe it’s because this is Bristol, home of the pirates, but Jack Sparrow’s long-lost relative seems to be thoroughly enjoying himself on this stage.
During I Don’t Love you Anymore it’s an ‘iphones in the air’ moment and 7 0’Clock brings the party causing Jack Daniel’s spillages all round and Sweet Mary Anne prompts the woah woah woahs.
They might not always get the recognition they deserve, but the full crowd of smiling faces tonight proves that they are sparking the flame of rock that’s still alight in many hearts. One thing is for sure, they always put on a brilliant show.

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