
Thursday, 14 November 2019

Kenny Wayne Shepherd - 02 Shepherds Bush Empire, 12/11/19

Words by Annette Valentine
Out of the shadows, as the light comes up, Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band rocks the expectant audience with the single from new album The Traveler, Woman Like You
There’s a mix of old and new songs to whet the appetite in this crowded elbow-to-elbow venue, notoriously known for the greats. 
The Traveler goes over new ground and positively throws the sixes on the dice in showmanship and honest lyrical genius, giving an offering of KWS’ latest masterpiece. Their loyal fans, who are soaking up the sensations and being led to gravitate to another ethos, mirror the blood sweat, tears and joy.
Talk to me Baby is a fine ensemble of Kenny’s sax and trumpet players bringing this jazzy number to life, while the clapping hands all around the room keeps pace with the tempo.  Drummer Chris is keeping it all in line and long standing KWS band singer Noah Hunt’s vocals on Heat of the Sun are taking us on a voyage of wild abandon with no care to return. They are a band that fit well together.
Down for Love is one that’s been on the radar for a while and tonight is an example of precision, of Kenny’s (totally self-taught)  guitar craftsmanship; absolute perfection and the crowd is under no illusion that they seeing one of the incredible, phenomenal, persistently on-form guitar masters that ever walked on soil. The speed of playing makes a tornado look calm.
The end is coming too soon with Kenny’s Voodoo Child, done in his way. There was an air of reluctance when it was time to leave; the audience seemingly couldn’t get enough of the band as they merged at the merchandise stand to take a bit of this infinite magic home.

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