
Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Theory of a Deadman - The Bristol Bierkeller, 23/04/15

After huge success supporting Black Stone Cherry on their 2014 tour, the Canadian quartet Theory of a Deadman couldn’t resist a return visit to the UK to play at Bristol’s Bierkeller tonight. 
Before the doors even opened there was a queue snaking around the block outside the venue. An early indication of the band’s already established popularity.
After openers London trio Beasts, the band arrived on stage around 9pm to a sold out room.
The atmosphere was instantly electrified with the majority of people in the near vicinity knowing every word. This venue is intimate so the front row has a very up close and personal time with Tyler Connolly (lead vocals) who loved every minute. While not running the length of the stage and energetically high-fiving as is often the way, he had a crowd connection through the music that’s not unnoticeableHe scans the room taking in every moment of audience participation, while keeping it tight at the business end and never letting things slip, vocal or guitar playing-wise.
Later in the night when the guys noticeably relax into themselves, you get a feel for their diverse sound. One song can start with a dark and angst-laden chugging bass (Dean Back) and drum comboand the next can have the subtle beauty of a country ditty. Another contrast to that and seemingly the most popular song of the night is ‘Bitch Came Back’; a pseudo romantic look at a relationship gone wrong. 
Joey Dandeneau gives the band a break for a drum-solo-shoot-out, and in this small venue with such a big sound it literally feels like shot gun reverbs. He rips through the next few minutes for all rhythm fans’ roaring delight.
These tattood nice guys have honed a sound that fits them like a glove. Although not shy about wearing their Nickelbackinfluences on their sleeve, its good-time danceability mixed with a real rock sound, executed with notable professionalism is endearing to watch and even better to listen to. This made for a good night out and a great musical discovery.


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